Reactor is a Value Animator Engine that uses a heartbeat to animate values.
You can animate any public variable or property. Integer, float, Vector2, Vector3, bool, Color and you can even control frame by frame texture animations by selecting the proper frame at the right time.
Out of the box, Reactor currently supports Unity UI (uGUI) and editor UIElements. It can support other systems as well thanks to its modular nature.
UI Animator
Move, Rotate, Scale, Fade
Color Animator
Animate Colors
Sprite Animator
Frame by Frame Animations
One System Two Heartbeats
Reactor is powered by two ticker engines called Runtime Heartbeat and Editor Heartbeat.
The Runtime Heartbeat ticker is used to update all the animations that run at runtime (in Play Mode), and it has its own FPS setting.
The Editor Heartbeat ticker is used to update all the animations that run on the Unity Editor side (editor animations, animated icons, etc.) and it too has its own separate FPS setting.
Optimized for Performance
Set Any FPS
You can set any animation FPS to optimize the number of calculations done per second and save battery life on the target device.
FPS changes can be performed ahead of time (in the editor) or at runtime (through code).
Reactor is has FPS presets for 20, 24, 30, 60, 90, 120 and MAX.
Int Animator
Animate Any Integer Value
Float Animator
Animate Any Float Value
Vector2 Animator
Animate Any Vector2 Value
Vector3 Animator
Animate Any Vector3 Value
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